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QQ English: Callan-Accredited!

2015年10月14日  英語コラム |
QQ English is situated in IT Park, a busy yet convenient and peaceful location in Cebu City.

QQ English is the only Callan-accredited school in the Philippines!

Nowadays, ESL (or English as Second Language) teaching is becoming the norm in many countries where English is not the native or first language. ESL schools have employed various systems to help students learn English effectively; however, there is but one internationally acknowledged system that claims not only effectiveness but also efficiency in learning English. This, I recently found out is the Callan Method.


The Callan method is a way of teaching English created by Robin Callan, a British, in the 1960’s. The method is said to be suited to all nationalities and ages and all purposes of study. It consists of 12 levels or stages–from total beginner to advanced.

As aforementioned earlier, this system became famous because it delivers the duo in learning English: effectiveness and efficiency. These qualities lie in three reasons. First is the method’s consistency in developing mainly the speaking and listening skills of the student, the skills mostly needed in practical English. Second, the method uses the benefit of repetition, which reminds me of an anonymous quote: “Repetition is the mother of mastery.” Third, in Callan method, students are trained in responding to English without taking much time to translate it in their minds, often leading to embarrassing slow responses. In this way, they learn to think in English and readily respond in English.

Now, the Callan method is taught in more than 300 schools across South America, Europe and Asia, with Callan School London as the pioneering school in teaching this method and the largest private English language school in Europe. The Callan Group, of which the Callan School London is a subsidiary, continuously promotes and propagates this method and supports hundreds of other Callan schools around the globe. In Cebu, this group has already accredited one English language school–QQ English.

QQ English is situated in IT Park, a busy yet convenient and peaceful location in Cebu City.

QQ English is situated in IT Park, a busy yet convenient and peaceful location in Cebu City.


If you go to Callan Method Organisation’s website and, at the bottom, click on the “Find a School” selection, you will find that QQ English is the only school in the Philippines accredited by this organization.

QQ English is a Japanese-owned English tutorial center currently located in Cebu IT Park, the premier BPO and IT hub in Southern Philippines. It has been established in 2009 and continues to serve hundreds of students both offline and online. It boasts of licensed English teachers who are regularly trained in TOEIC or TESOL. Now, it actually has a new branch in Mactan!

QQ English has expanded to a new branch in Mactan.

QQ English has expanded to a new branch in Mactan.

Being accredited by the Callan Organisation, QQ English ensures quality Callan teaching. It is a big plus for a student who decides to study the method in QQ English in Cebu.



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They call me Sweden. But I'm not the country, nor do I come from it. Rather, Sweden lives in the Philippines! I am currently studying Mass Communication. A great interest of mine that's related to this is watching (almost all kinds of) documentary films! Also, I like singing and dancing. I'm not a professional but I sure love doing them. I never get tired of it!



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