セブ島・フィリピンへの英語・語学留学エージェント セブイチ > 英語コラム > A TRIP TO CEBU TAOIST TEMPLE


2015年8月20日  英語コラム |
My journey in Cebu Taoist Temple

Philippines has a lot of things in store for you; so many places to discover, tons of activities that you should experience! And yes, Philippines also has several great temples for you to visit and one of the must visit temples in Cebu is its Taoist Temple.


The Cebu Taoist Temple, located approximately 6 km north of downtown Cebu in a subdivision called Beverly Hills, has an elevation of about 300 meters (980 ft) above sea level. It is a towering, multi-tiered and multi-hued attraction, predominantly having red and green coloring scheme and a pagoda-style roof. It is basically a place of worship for people practicing Taoism, a religion based on the teachings of a Chinese Philosopher, Lao Tze. Although the temple is a shrine for worshippers, it is also open for non-worshippers or tourists like you and me.
It can be access by three separate winding routes. I have been to this temple several times already, ever since I was a kid until I become a teenager. So I was able to access the temple in all of its three entry points.

The stairway in the Main entrance

The stairway in the
Main entrance

In the main entrance you will be faced with a narrow and lengthy stairway which is about 81 steps, but some would say it is 90 steps going up. Personally I believe that the stairway has 81 steps since the number 81 represents the number of chapters that can be found in their Taoism Book, not sure of how they really call their Sacred Scripture. I also heard from some people that if you count the steps aloud from the very first step until the end of the stairway then, you can make a wish and it would be granted. Though I’m not really sure if it’s true, but there’s no harm in trying, right?
Back entry point Of the temple

Back entry point
Of the temple

In the back entry point of the temple, here you will find yourself walking along the miniature of “The Great Wall of China”. It really looks like the Great Wall; it’s a smaller and shorter version though. As you walk along the “mini – Great Wall“, beautiful scenery awaits you. And you will also pass by a painting of The Great Wall of China attached in one of the corners in the wall.


The view of the City inside the Temple

The view of the City inside the Temple

You can actually do several things during your visit to the temple. You can witness a remarkable sight of the city in the temple. You can take pose and smile for a picture with the wonderful architecture or the famous dragon statue of the temple. You can also try one of their rituals, which you have to follow certain rules and instructions that will be given to you by the person in-charge. For me, doing the ritual was one of my unforgettable experiences in the temple. Just a tip, always observe silence while in the temple and wear appropriate clothes when going there since it is a place of worship. If you don’t abide by the rules of the temple, chances are you cannot enter the temple or, if already inside, you will be requested to go out. You are not allowed to take pictures on some parts of the temple, btw.


My parents and I in Cebu Taoist Temple

My parents and I in Cebu Taoist Temple

You can get there by:
•Riding a Jeepney going to Lahug. You can inform the driver that you are going to Cebu Taoist Temple. When you go down the jeepney you have two options to ride a motorcycle or to walk. Personally, I don’t prefer walking since it is a not-so-short walk and it’s a bit of an uphill.
•Riding a Taxi.If you don’t have a private car or if you don’t like being hustled then, you should ride a taxi. I prefer this than jeepneys since it will take you from where you are directly to your destination which is the temple.

There are still so many things for you to explore in the Temple that will surely make your trip worthwhile. See and experience it for yourself. You never know what awaits you!



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I want to be a film editor or a travel journalist someday. I love Chocolates, Movie Marathons and Music. I know how to play a keyboard (Piano); I also like singing and composing songs. I yearn for an adventure of my own and to travel to different places within or outside of my hometown. I’d love to live a life where travelling is life itself!



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