セブ島・フィリピンへの英語・語学留学エージェント セブイチ > 英語コラム > Cebu International Academy: Facility

Cebu International Academy: Facility

2015年9月26日  英語コラム |
Another venue for students to relax and enjoy the outside breeze.

Two weeks ago, I talked about Cebu International Academy’s general information. For a quick recap, I talked about the school’s history, the mission, the different types of classrooms, and how the week would go for any student. For the whole article, click here.

Our tour guide directs us to the different places in the school though the touchscreen directory.

Our tour guide directs us to the different places in the school though the touchscreen directory.

Today, I’m going to show the school’s facility.


Here’s some of the pictures of the CIA Facility.

The dorm building facade.

The dorm building facade.

Comfort room.

Comfort room.

Comfort rooms. The right side is for males and the right side for females. This utility is found in the ground floor.
The canteen.

The canteen.

An example of a table setting in the canteen.

An example of a table setting in the canteen.

Waiting space inside the canteen.

Waiting space inside the canteen.

Canteen. The canteen caters various types of food. Students can choose whatever cuisine they’re going to have for the specific mealtime. There’s also another set of chairs and tables on the second floor of the canteen.
The gym.

The gym.

Gym. The school also has it’s own gym located in the second floor.
The school’s pool is dashing as ever!

The school’s pool is dashing as ever!

Another venue for students to relax and enjoy the outside breeze.

Another venue for students to relax and enjoy the outside breeze.


Dorm. The dorm has two floors. Students can choose what type of room they’re having and how many roommates they’d like. There’s also laundry service and a keeper who monitors the place.

The faculty room.

The faculty room.

The self study room.

The self study room.

Two student bedroom.

Two student bedroom.

Key Notes!

The school also follows an “English Only Policy” or EOP. Students who are caught speaking their native language will automatically be reprimanded by the EOP Officer and will pay P5.00 as punishment. The students however, will not pay directly to the Officer, instead they will drop their coins in the piggy bank found in the area.

English Only Policy

English Only Policy

The money will go to the students volunteer activities. This kind of activity will also challenge the students’ honestly, because the EOP Officers are not always around to determine who spoke vernacular.

For inquiries, you can also contact Cebuichi for more info about the place and how to go there.

So that’s another part of CIA. Stay updated for more posts by following this blog. Thank you for reading my posts! Have a great week ahead and stay awesome!



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Hi! I'm Lyn smile emoticon
I love chocolates, music and writing. Food is everything and love is eternal. I believe in destiny and I value patience. The world is a beautiful place if thy eyes are willing to open. Hajimemashite!



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