セブ島・フィリピンへの英語・語学留学エージェント セブイチ > 英語コラム > Meet the Student-Manager: Ms. Yeong of Philinter

Meet the Student-Manager: Ms. Yeong of Philinter

2016年1月11日  英語コラム |
Ms. Yeong explains about Philinter. (Photo credits: Keita Nishijima)

Ms. Yeong (pronounced like the English word, “young”), a Korean student manager in Philinter, shares her knowledge and experiences both as an English learner and student manager.

Ms. Yeong

Ms. Yeong


Ms. Yeong started learning English as an ESL student in another school in Cebu five years ago. Like any beginner, she began with the basics. She recalled that she never had any experience studying English before that. But, she noticed that she learned English and improved in a short period of time. This wonderful result inspired her to accept the job as student manager later on. She said she wants to help people studying English in Cebu by sharing what she have learned from the experiences she had.


Being a student-manager in Philinter is no easy task, yet Ms.Yeong has managed to live up to the expectations. With her fluency in both Japanese and English, she is able to establish good communication with Philinter students coming from different parts of the world (Korea, Japan, Thailand, Vietnam and Taiwan among others).

Ms. Yeong explains about Philinter. (Photo credits: Keita Nishijima)

Ms. Yeong explains about Philinter. (Photo credits: Keita Nishijima)

Aside from language skills, she has got the experiential knowledge of studying abroad (both in the Philippines and Japan), which makes her eligible to give advices and able to provide the right services available to Philinter students. To complement all these, Ms. Yeong pointed out that a manager “should be kind and not be too busy to address concerns.”


Having experienced it firsthand, she shares the benefits of learning English in Cebu.

A worthwhile and fun table talk with Ms. Yeong! (Photo credits: Lyn Limoran)

A worthwhile and fun table talk with Ms. Yeong! (Photo credits: Lyn Limoran)

First, there are several man-to-man classes. She said this is especially good for students who are shy and/or not comfortable with speaking English in a group class, which is common in Australia and America. Moreover, these classes are good for those who have never studied English before or cannot speak English well yet.

Second, you can have fun while studying English. When an ESL student before, Ms. Yeong took her studies seriously on weekdays, but on the weekends, she would go to resorts and do island hopping and scuba diving.

Ms. Yeong smiles for the camera!

Ms. Yeong smiles for the camera!

Ms. Yeong is indeed exemplary. In addition to the qualities already mentioned, she had also been really accommodating during our visit. She tried her best to answer questions and was very willing to explain. (Plus, we were served fruit shakes. ^_-) Probably, her admirable traits could be attributed to her adoption of Japanese ways, like time management, kindness and hospitality, which she said inspired her during her stay in Japan. Such character can definitely help students in Philinter!



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They call me Sweden. But I'm not the country, nor do I come from it. Rather, Sweden lives in the Philippines! I am currently studying Mass Communication. A great interest of mine that's related to this is watching (almost all kinds of) documentary films! Also, I like singing and dancing. I'm not a professional but I sure love doing them. I never get tired of it!



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