Are you looking for something between an orange, lime and a lemon; something sweet but has a kick of sour at the same time??
Freshly-picked Dalandan.
In Cebu and other Visayan Islands, the Citrus auranntium var. sinensis L., is locally known as Dalandan. Orignally from China, it has grown and adapted to the tropical climatic conditions in the Philippines, producing a distinctive mix of being sweet and acidic at the same time. These tangy Philippine Oranges are spherical in shape, covered in a thick, beautiful and shiny chartreuse skin, and contain a striking yellow orange flesh once sliced.
Dalandan, is very popular among Filipinos .It is a well-used ingredient in many of the Philippine desserts. It has been made into jams, candies, marmalade, purees and many others.
It is also enjoyed even when sour; it is then peeled and eaten by hand usually garnished with a bit of rock salt, to balance the taste.
Dalandan, cut in half.
The fruits’ juice is squeezed and made into Dalandan juice. It can be served chilled or hot ; it is also used as a natural remedy against cough and common colds. It also serves as a natural toxin removing agent. This citrusy drink is a good source of vitamin C, which important for the formation of healthy hair, bones and teeth. It also increases the body’s resistance against infection and other diseases.
It can also aid in lightening of scars and acne marks, and serve as a preventive measure against acne flare-ups.
It is also considered as an appetite suppressant. With its low calorie count of about 12 kcal per fruit (Medium-size), this makes it perfect snack for people going on a diet.
I prepared my very own cup of dalandan juice. Yum!
You can find these Dalandans in buckets at your local tiangge (Market) all year-round, but most especially from the months of May to June. Prices vary according to size, and whether if it’s in season. Usually, these are usually priced as low as 1 Php to 3 Php per piece.
Smile and greet them politely, and you can definitely haggle for a lower price and get some freebies on the side!
Why don’t you grab your baskets, and visit the nearest tiangge, near you, and enjoy its healthy and refreshing benefits!
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